Here are eight different tips on how to become a voice actor (or become a better voice actor).
It might sound easy to read a script, it just reading a text out load. But to make it sound natural, find the right feeling, reading the text in multiple ways is a lot bigger challenge than it seems.
1. Practice reading things out loud.
A good practice is read things out load. It could be books, magazines, or news articles. Usual things to get more practice in your everyday life. This is a good start to get more comfortable and confident in reading. As a voice actor it is important to sound natural but most client will want different emotions, tones, and styles on their recording. Try changing the sound of your voice as you read to get better.
It should never sound like you are reading but should sound like a performance. It is your job to bring these words to life.
2. Record your voice.
Take step one a bit further and record yourself while reading a book or magazine.
You can also try reciting monologues or reading from a script and recording it. Play it back to yourself to hear what you sound like and make notes for improvement. The sound of your own voice might surprise you! The way you sound in a recording isn’t necessarily the same way you sound to yourself each day.

3. Use your diaphragm.
When listening to your voice, consider whether you are using a nasal, mouth, chest, or diaphragm voice. A nasal voice sounds unpleasant and whiny, a mouth voice sounds very quiet, a chest voice sounds pleasant, but a diaphragm voice is the most powerful and has the best sound. To develop the diaphragm voice, practice breathing deeply and watching your stomach rise and fall. Make sounds that come from the diaphragm, such as laughing or yawning. Once you get the hang of it, it is merely a matter of maintaining the voice. A voice teacher can help you project from the diaphragm.
4. Practice vocal exercises.
As a voice actor it is important to be able to control your voice and not tear it out. Your voice is your most important tool, so you want to take care of it.
Certain exercises can help you to control and improve your voice. Many of them are based on breathing. You could try humming a scale by blowing through a straw for breath control. You could lie on the floor and deeply inhale and exhale, making a “shh” sound while exhaling. Even simply sitting up straight with your shoulders back can make a big difference in the sound of your voice. You could also practice articulating with different tongue twisters.
Doing improvisation is an important skill in voice acting because directors will expect this of you. One client might want a recording of someone presenting an amazing idea with enthusiasm, another one a serious problem being presented and a third one a character for a children’s program. This skill will allow you to truly embody a character and think like they do. After you’ve gotten into character, try coming up with a funny story on the spot as that character.
6. Imitate the voices of famous actors or fictional characters.
Learning to imitate a sound can help you build flexibility and help you recognize pitch and tone. You don’t have to be an impressionist/actor to be a voice artist, but it is helpful to be able to change the sound of your voice. This will allow you to be more versatile and will also help with your acting skills. Try to match not only the person’s voice, but also their personality so that you bring them to life rather than just imitating their sound.
7. Take acting classes or find an acting coach.
If you want to take thing to another level, try acting classes.
This will help you to develop your acting talent. Though voice actors never appear on the screen, they must be extremely talented actors to effectively deliver their lines.
Since the audience can’t see your facial expressions, hand gestures, or movements you must clearly express yourself in your voice. You don’t have props or other tools to aid in your delivery. Your full emotions and personality must be expressed solely through your voice.
If you don’t want to take expensive classes, try to find a community theatre production to participate in.
8. Take voice lessons.
Having regular voice lessons will help you expand your vocal range and teach you how to better control the volume and sound of your voice. A good voice teacher will help you not only develop strong technique and control, but also will help you to find your unique voice.
A good voice teacher can also help you to warm up your voice in the correct way. There are many vocal warmups.